Medicaid Eligibility Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Medicaid Eligibility Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

For Medicaid eligibility, there are a set number of activities that the program takes into consideration when determining whether to approve an applicants request for coverage. These are in addition to Medicaid means testing in which the program reviews assets and income to determine Medicaid eligibility. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for Medicaid Eligibility  …

Medicaid Planning Facts

Medicaid Planning Facts

Medicaid Planning – Florida Medicaid is the state and federal partnership that provides health coverage for selected categories of people, including the elderly, in Florida. Because having low income and virtually no assets is an eligibility requirement, one of the most complex areas of estate planning involves preparing someone with significant income and assets for…

Managing HOA Disputes

Managing HOA Disputes

The need for conflict resolution is in high demand in the homeowner’s association (HOA) space with 24% of all HOA owners cited in a CAI survey as saying that they have had a conflict with their HOA.  HOA disputes often deal with residents and owners complaining of HOA harassment, negligence and generally unfair treatment.  If…