Drafting a Sales Contract

Drafting a Sales Contract

Sales contracts are legally binding written agreements that govern a transaction between a buyer and a seller. When drafting or reviewing a sales agreement for a business, there are two questions that can be asked before the contract can be considered complete.  Firstly, does the sales contract cover all bases required to ensure that all…

Property Management FAQs

Property Management FAQs

Property Management FAQs Property Management FAQs Property owners who are considering hiring a property manager look forward to outsourcing many of the day-to-day maintenance and administrative tasks related to managing a property and its tenants. However, managing a property management company can be a challenge in and of itself. Here at South Florida law we…

Preparing to Sell Your Business? You’ll Need These Business Sales Documents

Preparing to Sell Your Business? You’ll Need These Business Sales Documents

Business Sales Documents – Selling a business is very document intensive. Potential buyers and the accountants, bankers, brokers and lawyers working on their behalf will want to conduct a due diligence process.  In due diligence, the buyer and their advisors inspect the contracts and financials behind a company prior to making an offer.  When an…

Businessman in blue suit writing a virtual graphic of investment

Investing with an LLC

Previously we have written about using an LLC to invest in Real Estate.  However, there are many situations outside of real estate investing in which it makes sense to use the LLC business formation to make investments in company shares, bonds, ETFs and even non-traditional assets such as cryptocurrency.  Investing with an LLC can range…

A man performing cleaning and disinfection in a elevator

Four Things You Need to Know About Elevator Maintenance Contracts

Property management companies need to be aware of the potential areas of risk and exposure in the typical elevator maintenance contract.  In general, these contracts renew automatically at the end of each term and there may be little opportunity to renegotiate the contract once it is signed.  However, these are often not contracts of adhesion,…

The Importance of Contract Review

The Importance of Contract Review

Contract review by an experienced local business lawyer is essential because contracts and agreements are legally binding documents.  That means that the parties are legally obligated to comply with the terms, conditions and responsibilities laid out in these documents. It also means that if there is any future disagreement, an arbitrator or a court of…

The Benefits of Consulting a Business Contract Review Lawyer

The Benefits of Consulting a Business Contract Review Lawyer

Business contract review – Business contracts exist to cover the many facets of daily business operation and ensure each party to an agreement has clear expectations and protocol for operation. Whether your business provides products or services you will benefit from business contract review services. Contract review services cover agreements that likely fall into one…

website notices

Website Notices and Disclaimers

2020 and the Coronavirus shutdown has accelerated the migration from brick and mortar storefronts to online eCommerce websites.  This shift to online sales and the accompanying marketing techniques has brought with it the need for new legal documentation like website notices and disclaimers.   Ecommerce legal disclaimers and notices are an important part of doing business…

Business: Contracts of Adhesion

Business: Contracts of Adhesion

Contracts of adhesion are agreements where a party in a position of relative power such as an insurance company or larger corporation agrees to do work with a consumer or business using a non-negotiable contract.   Sales and customer service professionals tend to call these documents “standard” contracts and lawyers informally refer to them as “boilerplate”…