A picture of a book of Personal Injury Law , a gavel and the title "How Personal Injury Fees Work"

How Personal Injury Fees Work

Before choosing a lawyer to represent them in an accident case, victims can benefit from knowing how personal injury fees work. Personal injury cases can be complex, time-consuming, and may require that a firm has significant resources to pay expert witnesses and investigators. Although there are a small minority of personal injury firms that charge…

A picture of a woman with neck injury in a wheelchair and a man in a desk with the title "Personal Injury Defense Arguments

Personal Injury Defense Arguments

When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence in Florida, you may expect to receive fair compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, corporations, property owners, and insurance companies will go to great lengths to minimize their liability. Personal injury defense arguments are employed by teams of lawyers to…

A picture with a lawyer and a client looking at a document with the title "Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit against a Florida-based Association

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit against a Florida-based Association

In Florida, homeowners associations (HOAs) play a crucial role in maintaining the order and safety within residential communities. However, when an association fails in its duty of care, filing a personal injury lawsuit and pursuing legal action against the association may be the only way for an accident victim to make themselves financially whole. Governed…