Investing As An LLC
Most investors form LLC’s when they invest in Florida Properties. Here are the pros and cons of choosing an LLC as an investment vehicle compared to other company formation types:
- Provides liability protection to property owners
- Provides tax flexibility to property owners
- Avoids the administrative burden of other company types
- Avoids administrative costs
- Not all investors are at the stage of development where using an LLC makes sense
- Investors may be liable for self-employment taxes if they use an LLC
Making the decision to invest in a property in Florida requires the knowledge of an experienced local real estate attorney. South Florida Law has worked with resident and non-resident investors to form LLCs and trusts as investment vehicles. We also frequently advise on complex commercial and residential transactions throughout the State of Florida. This includes drafting and reviewing documents, performing title searches and providing secure escrow services.
Are you planning to invest in property anywhere in the State of Florida?
If so, call South Florida Law today on (954) 900-8885 or reach out to us via our contact form.