Before You Sign a Commercial Lease: Four Areas to Consider

Before You Sign a Commercial Lease: Four Areas to Consider

Before you sign a commercial lease: Finding the right property for your business can be a complicated and time consuming process.  After finding the right tenant’s agent, searching properly-zoned locations and short listing several properties for your business, there are four crucial steps that every tenant could take to ensure a successful outcome. These steps…

HOA and Condo Association Law: Five Residents’ Rights That Are Required To Be Respected

HOA and Condo Association Law: Five Residents’ Rights That Are Required To Be Respected

HOA and Condo Association Law: Homeowner Associations (HOAs) and Condominium Associations are very unique in that are often run by elected individuals who have little legal and real estate experience.  Nevertheless, HOAs and condominium associations are governed by complex laws that specify certain rights and obligations to residents. Board members and staff of HOAs and…

Buying or Selling Real Estate: Five Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Attorney Early in the Process

Buying or Selling Real Estate: Five Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Attorney Early in the Process

A real estate transaction involves significant legal issues that should be handled by a real estate attorney. Hire one early on in the process of selling or buying a property to make sure you’ve covered all your bases. Buying or Selling Real Estate in South Florida? Here are five reasons why you need to hire…

Should I Start a New Business?

Should I Start a New Business?

Individuals or company representatives may decide to start a new business for a number of different reasons.  Knowing the legal pros and cons of each option could be a major factor in the success of a start-up. Perhaps a company planning a new brand, partnership, revenue stream, territory, product or service may benefit from doing…